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Exhibition Design Current

Opportunity is missed by people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work : Thomas Edison
Djuret Människan / NRM

Permanent exhibition at the Swedish Museum of Natural History about evolution and the human as a mammal among others. Design by Igor Isaksson and Ilkka Isaksson / Mu in colloboration with Leo Thafvelin / Leo T AB. 600 square meters. Above a whale heart “sofa”/sound installation in scale 1:1.


Lakrits (Liqourice)

The exhibition Lakrits (Liquorice) at the Museum of Spirits in Stockholm showcases everything about Liqourice – from the metres-long underground roots of the plant to liquorice’s role in popular lore and medicine to nostalgia for old-fashioned sweets and liquorice shots. Exhibition Design by Mu AB through Ilkka Isaksson and Ulrika Wedin.


RW2012 Exhibition

The exhibition To me there´s no other choice – Raoul Wallenberg 1912-2012 honours Raoul Wallenberg and his work to save jews from the Holocaust at the end of World War II. It is produced by the Swedish Institute on behalf of the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and in collaboration with the Living History Forum. It was inaugurated at the Hungarian National Museum in Budapest on 17 January 2012 in the presence of the Swedish and Hungarian Foreign Ministers.
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