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Set Design Selected

Opportunity is missed by people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work : Thomas Edison
I väntan på Godot

Set Design Waiting for Godot

Set design and costume by Ilkka Isaksson / Mu for I väntan på Godot (Waiting for Godot) at Malmö stadsteater. Directed by Carl Kjellgren and featuring Göran Dyrssen, Tom Ahlsell, Sven Boräng, Fredrik Gunnarson and Lars-Göran Ragnarsson. Lighting by Sven-Erik Andersson. Mask by Agneta von Gegerfelt.


Mio min Mio / Stockholms stadsteater

Set design by Ilkka Isaksson / Mu for Mio min Mio at Stockholms stadsteater. Directed by Stina Ancker. Costume by Ulrika Wedin. Photos by Lesley Leslie-Spinks.


Pinoccio / Malmö Stadsteater

Set design for the play Pinoccio at Malmö stadsteater. Set design by Ilkka Isaksson / Mu. Directed by Stina Ancker. Adaptation by Magnus Lindman. Special theatre effects by Bert Gradin. Costume by Ulrika Wedin.
