SloMo is a slow motion interactive video installation at the M7 building in Stockholm by the Interactive Institute’s John Paul Bichard and Magnus Jonsson, where passers by are invited to record a three second video clip. Instantaneously, the clip is converted to a 36 second slow motion video portrait that is streamed to screens around the building. Installation Design and Graphic Design by Mu AB.
From the creators description:
(se more about the project and sample videos at CA:s home page)
By continuously streaming the video portraits, SloMo gives the building a memory of the people that have passed through the space, inviting self reflection and play from new authors. The piece is a stimulating, provocative reflection on the role of the moving image in public space and the changing nature of video in the YouTube era. Video no longer stands as a truth or as narrative but as conversational fragments and observations of people.
SloMo transforms the entrance into a casual performance and viewing space with people sitting and standing watching their friends and colleagues perform: either live, or in slow motion on the screens. The live performance space provides a surprisingly intimate ‘bubble’ within the public arena: the lights and eye of the camera inviting ever more creative and crazy experimentation. The work becomes both a focal point for authorship and consumption as well as a story space for the residents, the building and the surrounding neighbourhood.
Photos © Creativeadvisors
Partners: Atrium Ljungberg, M7 Kunskapsgallerian residents, Nacka Kommun
Production partners: Invite (Jonas Nyman), Mu AB (Igor and Ilkka), Utställningsfabriken (Mikael Cedervall)