Graphic design and Flash programming of the first six issues of the experimental web radio channel/magazine SR c at Swedish Radio, a project initiated and led by Marie Wennersten/SR. The projects six first thematic issues were awarded first place and Gold Diploma in the 2003 Kolla! design competitions web and multimedia class.


Pilot issue with the theme “Staden”  (The City). In each issue there are two parts – one with the thematic program menu and one with an “archive game” that in a conceptual and interactive game-like format presented selected material from the archives of Swedish Radio.



Second issue of SR c was on the theme “Skogen” (The Forest).



SR c thematic issue “Hjärnan” (The Brain).



SR c thematic issue “Det nomadiska” (The Nomadic Issue). 



SR c thematic issue “Det nomadiska” (The Nomadic Issue).



SR c thematic issue “Det som inte blev sagt” (Things not said).